Thursday, February 21, 2013

Getting "IT"

For the past 4 years I have been dealing with people trying to "get it", to try to understand what I am going through.  Whether it be about Autism,  infertility and everything else in between that has happened in my life.  I look sometimes to the people who are closest to me and I feel as if sometimes I am talking to a brick wall.  It's very frustrating and continues to happen and some days I don't even want to divulge any information of what is going on as if I feel I am always getting let down.  

Today was one of those days and yeah probably yesterday was too.  So I constantly look to my hubby for support and I thank my lucky stars that he is so supportive of everything we go through.  I really think that if it wasn't for all of this "crap" we have gone through that our marriage wouldn't be as strong as it is.  So that is my positive from all of this "crap".

But SERIOUSLY,  why can't people just "GET IT"!!!!!!!


  1. I know I don't get it all but know that I am here for you and I do get some of it. I'm the same way...everything we have been through has definitely made us stronger!

  2. Thank you Arlene! As long as you try! That is truly what matters! :)
