Monday, March 4, 2013


Haven't posted in some time as time is always getting away from me.  Whether we are running around for OT, swim, basketball, gymnastics, therapy, acupuncture or just LIFE!  Phew, that's a lot of things that are always going on, not to mention RE appointments in between.

On 2/25/13, the hubby and I went into the RE's office for our IVF class to go over everything.  I think hubby was a little taken aback with everything but thankfully I wasn't as I have this great group of girls on FB that have shared with me their experience with IVF and basically what is to be expected. 

 Moving on and forward.. it's just a big shock to think that we have come to this.  Again, like I always say I never in a million years would have thought that this is what we would have to do to have a second child and obviously go through all the in between bullshit too!!

On 2/28/13, I went in for some pre IVF bloodwork and something that took me by surprise is that they offered some genetic bloodwork through Counsyl to be done.  I really didn't plan on getting any of that type of blood work done prior, but I said what the heck. Might as well.  I need to dot all of my I's and cross all of my T's.  Then on that day my RE also did the mapping and that went rather quickly and was painless.

Looking over paperwork this past weekend, I noticed that the other facility which will be assisting in the IVF, charges an astronomical price for Cyropreservation of the embryos. I truly believe it's because of where I live, that they can get away with charging that much money, but I think it's a load of crap.  We will probably have to sign off to have it done if need be because if the cycle gets cancelled for some reason and they have good embies, then I will be SOL and have to redo the whole cycle and uhh yeah that would really suck!!!  Thankful though that my insurance is mostly picking everything up, so I guess I really can't complain about this cost.

Today the hubby and I went into the RE's office for our injection class.  Most of it was easy as I have done Folllistim before, but when she got to the Menopur and started talking about drawing up and pushing in and swirling and pushing and woaaaaahhhh!! That's a lot!  I am sure it will all work out but I was on information overload.  We go back in on Wednesday to sign consent forms.  It's all real.. we are on our way!  EEEeeeeekkk!

Moving on and forward.. thinking positive and staying in the now is all I can do!

1 comment:

  1. This is going to be it for you. I have a good feeling.
