Monday, February 18, 2013

CD 3 & BCP start!

I about had a panic attack getting ready to go to the RE's office and thankfully for my fellow IF friends they helped me out.
I cried, I wasn't sure why I was crying but I cried and it felt good.  I almost feel as if this is the end of the road and in actuality it may be.  I have decided to stay strong and positive throughout this and if I need to keep myself in a bubble and not deal with the outside world for the next 6 weeks so I can get a BFP, then I will.

The visit went well, blood work was done and ultrasound as well.  I made my next appointment for the IVF class, got my rx for BCP and collected the hubby's SA specimen cup and instructions for him and I went on my way.  My RE emailed me my protocol and tentative schedule which looks like this:

February18-Start BCP

March 9 -Take last BCP

March 12 -Return for suppression check (blood work and ultrasound)

March 14- Begin Follistim Pen 225 units & Menopur 75 units (1 vial in 0.5 ml saline) in the evening

March 18, 20,22, etc- Return to the office for follicle monitoring with blood work and us (sometime during this week I will also start Ganirelix 250 mcg every evening)

March 25-30 - Egg retrieval most likely during this week and transfer 3 or 5 days later!!!!!!

It's ALL so real now!  I will continue with seeing my therapist who is a lifesaver and has helped me so much through all of my life moments and trials and tribulations which I will get to tell you sometime in the near future and I will also continue to do acupuncture (which is phenomenal and SO relaxing).

"The most important thing in this world is to learn to give out love and let it come in." ~Morrie Schwartz

"Life will bring you pain all by itself. Your responsibility is to create joy." ~Milton Erickson

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