Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Don't give me that god bullshit! I'm so sick and friggin tired of hearing that its gods plan and what he wants! Well if you are offended by this, move on from here then! If not keep reading!
So you mean to tell me that it was gods plan to give me a child with autism, it was his plan to make me have 2 miscarriages and another pregnancy with a baby that had parts of his brain missing!?!?! Really this is a plan? A pretty fu**ed up one if you ask me! His plan to make innocent children suffer and die from cancer? What is that called? His plan? What lesson does that teach? What do they say? With god all things are possible? WTH does that mean to those parents who have lost their children? Their YOUNG AND INNOCENT CHILDREN!!! People need to think before they open up their damn traps. No, this shit is called real life and whether you pray or not pray bad shit happens to you. You as a person is what gets you through it. To each his own and your beliefs!

Think what you want of me with the decisions i have made for me and my family. I am fine with my decision and not one i ever wanted to make but i had to and it was the right one for myself and my loved ones!

Doesn't god preach to not place judgement on others?? It's funny as those who preach the loudest are those that judge the hardest! Shame on you!

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