Tuesday, March 12, 2013

This and that and a lot in between!

3/6/13-  Hubby and I went into the RE's office to sign our consent forms.  I had been reading over them during the week and realized that my insurance company will not cover Cryopreserve, which is really stupid because what happens if I have to cancel the cycle and pick it back up again.  So we had to sign off that we would pay for that and have them frozen if need be.  The RE told us that less than 1/3 of her patients have to cancel their cycles and due to my age, she does not think I will have any embryos left over to freeze.  Yeah my eggs suck! lol

3/7/13 - Woah! My Meds came and lets just say I was a bit overwhelmed! I have done Follistim before on my other injectable cycle so I am ok with that but I think all of the Meds together was just a lot to take in. Not to mention they sent me a 1 1/2 inch needle and when I saw that I almost fell over.
I got ahold of myself and my hubby came home and laughed at the amount of Meds (not in a bad way but in a woaaahh way). So now we wait for my suppression check on the 12th and to start on the 14th.
It's all so real now..... WOW!

3/9/13 - Thank goodness this is the last day of these damn BCP, they have made me a raging lunatic.  My poor husband what he has had to endure while I have been on them.  I was a bitch on another level.  More like PSYCHO BITCH!!  :)

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