Thursday, March 14, 2013

Day 1 of OUCH!!

 Today was my first day of injections.  I have done Follistim in the past and it has been painless besides the few bruises here and there, but holy shitzky!! That Menopur needle hurt like a MO FO!  I started to cry and my husband laughed and said "how many more days of this do you have to do?"
He was nice and helped mix and draw up the Menopur, maybe I will have him give me the injection tomorrow!  :-O  I know I am brave!

Thankfully, I went to acupuncture today as I have been dealing with some anxiety out of nowhere.  To the point that yesterday I had to take half a Xanax to get myself together.  I am not sure if it was the build up for todays injections or just thinking to far ahead.  Who knows I guess I will wait and see how I am tomorrow.

 I will do my grow follie grow dance and hope that they all grow nice and together!!  I will be seeking it from the inside out!  Thinking positive and moving ahead!!

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