Tuesday, March 12, 2013


It's rather funny that we go through our younger years being on birth control to prevent pregnancy and then we try and have children whether it be our first, second or third and our f**ked up bodies don't cooperate!  You think what the hell?!?  It's mind boggling!

So, I sent my hubby to get my refill on my pre-natals and he calls me and says how much are they usually.  I told him around $40.  He then tells me that he just paid $67 and that was with a $20 discount!  Scratching my head, I say WTF?!?  Call my insurance and sure as shit I have exhausted my Pharmacy benefits and it's ONLY MARCH!!  Oh boy!!  Happy Day! Thankfully, I saw my therapist today and was able to handle this and process it a lot better than usual.

I went into the RE's office for my suppression check to make sure that the birth control did it's job.  Thankfully it did, my lining is thin which is ok and she thinks if AF shows up it will only be light.  My Estrogen level is 30 and Progesterone is 0.2 which is perfect and indicative that I have not ovulated.  So we are moving forward and Thursday I will start with my injections.  The stimulating phase!!  I still can't believe this is all happening!  Thinking positive and feeling good.. Hopefully this feeling stays with me for the next few weeks.  

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